10 Reasons Holidays Make Us Oh So Happy

Author: Tima Maherali, Senior Content Creator

Nothing tops a fab holiday! Their power to revitilise, uplift and heal works wonders and the magic starts from the very moment you start having a glimpse of where you might escape to next… 


Here’s 10 reasons why a simple getaway is crucial for your mental and physical health, and how a break from the bustle could turn into a wonderful wellbeing experience that will boost your happy.

1. Healthy Measures

The mere thought of a blissful break is enough to lift anyone’s mood, so it’s not surprising that taking off on holiday has been proven to enrich our health. A holiday not only whisks you away from everyday responsibilities, obligations, and stressful situations, it also gives you a hit of endorphins from exciting activities. Studies show that holidaymakers can reap a treasure trove of benefits on a physical, mental, and emotional level. From reducing blood pressure and stress levels to boosting energy and enhancing sleep quality, holidays work wonders for your overall well-being.

Whether it’s lounging by the pool, learning to jet ski, exploring ancient cities, or simply sipping on seafront cocktails – by allowing your mind and body some TLC and gifting yourself with new scenarios to create fond memories, you simultaneously boost your  health, gain a sense of fulfilment and enjoy a fresh vitality for life.

2. Loving Your Summer Look 

There’s just something about a holiday wardrobe… from cute hats, chic shades and daring shorts to flip-flops and bikinis all day long. Maybe its setting free from the rainy days and woollen kit, let’s face it, it’s tough to not let the dreary British weather get you down! A spot of sunshine and a dash of vitamin D can help at no end to alleviate symptoms of S.A.D (seasonal affective disorder).

Whether you choose Spain, Cyprus, Turkey, Greece or any of our popular sun-drenched destinations, you’re in for glorious days of footprints on the sun-kissed sand, selfies in your getaway gear and of course, topping up that all important tan - surely one of the happiest feelings a holiday can gift, arriving home all glowing and enviously bronzed!

3. Friendly Encounters 

Human connection is another golden factor for our mental and emotional wellbeing and at home its sometimes easier said than done, particularly when we’re stuck in our daily routines and socialising in person becomes an effort. Holidays, however have their own way of lightening the mood and present the opportunity to mingle with new people who are also up for a friendly chat or a bit of holiday banter.

Whether it’s at the beach bar, in the pool, on a day tour or during a fun activity - you genuinely have the time to relax and enjoy conversation, often with like-minded people, sharing the same experience. It’s not surprising that more often the best of friends and most meaningful connections are created on holiday.

4. Food Glorious Food 

There’s something about holidays that make even sampling a piece of cheese feel exotic! Who else feels like royalty when biting into a slice of melon from a fruit platter in a beach cabana? We can all think of at least one memory where we dined on holiday, and it was so delish it gave us sense of joy… The holiday happy soared to the surface and “oh it was literally the best meal ever!”

Did you know studies show that food makes us chemically happy? Now combine that with the ditch the diet holiday factor and we’re buzzing on sunshine! From fresh seafood to authentic staples and mouthwatering street food, there's something to satisfy every craving as our planet is a foodie's paradise, offering dashings of delicious delicacies to sample and savour. So, whether it be a floral frilled restaurant on the cobbled streets of Rome, a traditional beachside taverna in Halkidiki or even a swish eatery along a promenade in Spain, holiday meals create happy memories.

5. Buy Moments, Not Things 

Wasting time and money on accumulating stuff you don't really need? Why not ditch the short-term fix and bring home some holiday happy - a priceless souvenir. After all, experiences are far more valuable as they make life meaningful and exciting. And of course, they also shape us and help us grow. This is why opting for a holiday creates long term smiles. From the moment you start browsing till that walking on cloud nine feeling when you’re back, the happiness is second to none! Plus, you’ll even have cherished memories with your fav people and the thrill of places you witnessed to treasure forever!

So, plan ahead and enjoy looking forward to that exciting off the beaten path trip or book that spontaneous last-minute seascape and feel the rush – it’s a better investment as your life will be richer than ever before!

6. Sunsets For Days 

Appreciating natural beauty boosts well-being and who doesn’t love a sunset? After a busy day of sightseeing or a long day at the beach there’s no better promise of a perfect evening than witnessing the sun go down in mesmerising shades of purple and pink, with a glass of your favourite holiday cocktail in hand. Whether it’s to the sound of the waves, the tunes from the beach bar or simply whistles of crickets – the sun goes down and it’s like heaven and hope passes through the warm evening breeze.

So, remember to nab those fleeting mindful moments on your next sunny getaway as studies show that the psychological effects of soaking up the sunset continue even after the spectacle has faded, causing lasting life satisfaction and emotional and physical wellbeing.

7. Embrace The Outdoors 

Holidays offer endless opportunities to embrace the great outdoors. There’s just so much liberation in having the time for your favourite hobby and it can be heaps of fun to get out there and attempt a new sport for some adrenaline-pumping thrills. Whether you're spotting wildlife in lush rainforests, sailing through breathtaking landscapes or skiing down snow-capped mountains, there's no shortage of natural beauty to explore and outdoor activities to enjoy.

Picture yourself scuba diving on an exotic island, exploring ancient cities and snapping historic landmarks, or hunting for handmade treasures while wandering through charming cobblestone streets… Getting away from the daily grind provides the perfect excuse to do the things you love under the sun and enjoy leisure at large.

8. Fun Times With The Fam 

One of the most precious aspects of holidays is the golden opportunity to spend quality time and share unforgettable moments with those who matter to us most. They offer the perfect chance to reconnect with loved ones, whether you're exploring new cities together or telling stories around the campfire, getting excited over shared adventures, laughing until your sides ache, or simply enjoying each other's company blissing out on the beach… these precious moments create lasting memories that strengthen the bonds of friendship and family.

Recent times have shown us that there’s nothing more important than breaking free from the everyday and focusing on what truly matters – the people we love. Studies also indicate that quality time and togetherness foster a sense of belonging and security, reinforcing the value of nurturing these relationships. In turn this triggers our happy and adds to overall life satisfaction…  So grab your folks, the bored kids or your up for fun bestie and go have a blast!

9. Discover The World

And let's not forget one of the most exhilarating reasons of all: you get to see the world! From the tropical beaches of Bali to the majestic peaks of the Swiss Alps, holidays offer the opportunity to explore the incredible diversity of our planet. Whether you're marvelling at iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower or wandering through quaint villages nestled in the countryside, each destination holds a treasure trove of sights and experiences waiting to be witnessed. Just one holiday can be an adventure of a lifetime! 

Picture this: as you wander through ancient ruins or stroll through museums, you're not just sightseeing – you're delving into history, art, geography, and a myriad of other fields of study. The experiences and stories you gather during your travels become a wellspring of knowledge that enriches your mind and soul forever. So, why stay confined to the familiar when there's a whole world of wanderlust out there just waiting to blow your mind? The world is seriously amazing and it's all yours to discover!

10. And Breathe… 

In today's hectic world, where schedules are jam-packed and time is flying by, holidays give us a rare chance to slow down and truly put things on pause. They provide a much-needed sanctuary to let go of the noise, restore your inner balance and return home feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to tackle whatever challenges lie ahead with a renewed sense of clarity, focus, and perspective that will positively impact every aspect of your life.

Whether you’re a hammock book reader, enjoying a quaint rural retreat or a top-notch spa addict on an all bells and whistles luxury escape, relaxation is the key to letting go. When you’re lost in the simple sound of the soothing waves, the serenity of a scenic sail or even the heartwarming banter of locals, the feel-good factor kicks in and before you know it, you’re not reaching for your all-important screen. The digital detox does us wonders and let’s face it we all need the nudge sometimes! So, leave your worries behind and let relaxation be your guide.

Whether it's picking your next destination or packing your holiday outfits, the anticipation of a holiday fuels excitement itself - just knowing you have an adventure ahead is enough to boost your mood. So, what are you waiting for? Start your journey here and picture yourself heading for the airport, stepping off that plane, ticking off your bucket list and returning home with a gorgeous glow, heart full of memories, a spirit refreshed, and a mind ready to conquer anything!

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