HOLIDAY BEST considers the following practices unacceptable and do not offer them as part of our tours:

  • Any activity involving captive elephants
  • Any activity involving captive whales and/or dolphins
  • Any type of hunting or non-sustainable fishing
  • Activities involving overt cruelty (such as bear baiting, bull fighting, cockfighting, or ritual animal slaughter)
  • Activities involving behavior that goads or provokes animals (such as bull running or crocodile wrestling)
  • Drugging of animals for any non-medical purpose
  • Farms with poor welfare standards, where wild animals are bred to create commercial products (e.g. tiger farms, reptile farms, turtle, or civet farms)
  • Consumption of animals that are either locally or globally endangered or under threat (e.g. eating/drinking whale meat, puffin, shark, tiger wine, etc.)
  • Performances or shows involving wild animals
  • Poorly housed animals used as a display, ornament, or attraction at restaurants, casinos, and shops
  • Handling, touching or any close contact with any wild animals (e.g. holding or feeding of animals, such as lion/tiger cubs, monkeys, sloths, etc. for selfies, riding of wild animals such as ostriches, petting tigers, or walking with lions.)
  • Animals used for soliciting money (snake charming, dancing bears, primates on chains, etc.)